Thursday 10 November 2011

I've been for a walk, on a winters day....

Well I have to open with the simple fact that York is getting cold. Its true, I know that over the past year you have come to suspect me of casually lying to you, but York is actually getting cold, not sure I can cope.

Last week I went to see a student production of Thoroughly Modern Millie which was actually really good. The music from the show I love and the plot is really awful but as a production it was well worth the seven english pounds and fifty pence that I paid to go see it. At the start, if I'm honest I was apprehensive, the first song was slightly tense, but after that it really picked up, and became a, dare I say it, thoroughly enjoyable evening of entertainment. Do you see what I did there?

Uni has been busy these past couple of days, Group project is due in quite soon, tests have been all this week and the excitement of the Study abroad talk is this week as well! I really want to do it but I am not sure if I will be able to afford to go, however myself and the bank will have a conversations about my finances, we will laugh we will cry, we will live the dream. Banks and I are such friends really, but shush its a secret.

I dont really know why I felt the need to write this particular blog, I diddnt have a huge amount to say, however it is lovely to think that infact I have now blogged. Lots of exciting things to look forward to next week, the old man is coming to visit not to mention the fact the angels will be re-united once more.

Gilmore Girls provides me with the quote one which I close:

"I don't leave messages, If I wanted to talk to a machine I would talk to my VCR"

Saturday 22 October 2011

Concrete Jungle where Dreams are made

Me and Goofy, out on Safari
Alright, So I'm not in New York, but I am now in york and its all very new to me so I feel the title is still relevant to the blog in hand.

Now it has to be said that I do appear to have abandoned my blog over the last few months. I cant pretend they have been the best months of my life and I was terribly scared that the blog would end up being a moan which I am against on principle! That being said I did go on Holiday in September which was simply amazing! I have a whole written out blog come diary of the two weeks sitting on my computer but for some reason I just had no inclination to post it. Two weeks in Florida are always just what the Doctor ordered, outstanding weather, excellent customer service and the most theatrical place on earth, Disney.

Main Street USA
It really was outstanding, The Magic Kingdom is just one of those places where you cannot help but smile. Walking down Main Street USA having just entered the park with Cinderella Castle up infront of you, characters swarming around you not to mention Barbershop Quartets, ice cream shops and the occasional sighting of a rather famous mouse is, dare I be cliche and say it, a magical feeling.

Over the course of the two week I saw some of the best shows that I have ever seen, but it has to be said in many ways the whole place is a show, the moment you step through the turnstyles you are on there stage and are in the hands of the 'cast members' who I found will forever go out of their way to make sure that you are having the best time possible.

Mr Goofy
Before I close on the subject of Disney, as I am sure all the talk of it is boring you intensely, I have to mention two things, Characters and Fireworks. I have to be honest, I am a big kid when it comes to meeting the characters, I love to go up and get an autograph in the book and a photo with them. The character performers are simply brilliant, they are prepared for every situation whether it be a small child that is scared of the giant mouse, creating the perfect photo or dealing with a big kid like me! Not to mention the fact that they do it all without speaking.
The fireworks have to be mentioned, while I was there I saw four different firework displays, all perfectly timed to a musical accompaniment, all with a storyline, a message and one heck of an impact. I think to conclude it has to be said that what makes Disney special is that they always get it right and I am determined to go back in the not too distant future!

I will now, as promised, move the blog on to York. It has been rather a wild ride getting here but now I am here I am totally thrilled. The course is just excellent and I am pleased to say that I have already made some friends, always a positive when your as socially awkward as I can be at times. Yesterday I painted myself blue in the name of Fancy Dress... nothing ever changes.

The original Angry Bird
Societies have been very exciting, I have joined a choir, got involved with a Pantomime and I am hopefully going to get involved with the University of York Radio station. I have, since the age of 9, been a lover of radio and am super excited to be involved with a station in some capacity.

Being so far away from everyone from back home is rather tough I cant lie, Missing my angels, the old man, and of course my parents especially. But soon we will be reunited and it will literally be fine. Perhaps the oddest thing so far about moving away has been celebrating my Birthday away from home, for the first time in 19 years I was not with my parents on by Birthday however Cards, both from old friends and new made the day much brighter than it potentially could have been! Not to mention a belated present of a wooden spook from my Grandma! Epic!

Its time to march onwards I think, new day, new challenge.

To Isengard!

Monday 29 August 2011

Wit Beyond Measure is mans greatest treasure

So something very exciting happened today, more exciting perhaps than a Poirot novel, and it is that my Pottermore email has arrived. I raced to my computer as soon as the words were displayed on my phone and from there I was able to begin the adventure.

Ill be honest I love it, there is lots of extra little bits of information that just fills in the tiny holes in the Potterverse. It really peaks the curiosity and pleases my mind. So far there has been some excellent information regarding McGonagall, as well as the Dursleys and Quirrell.

The sorting was a very traumatic process, It really scared me especially as there was a quick video from JK telling you to be truthful and that it was the moment to be sorted. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. As you can probably tell from the picture above I was sorted into Ravenclaw. Now I just need to get a scarf.

In other news I saw the Smurfs at the weekend, crackin' little film, could do with some more singing of the Smurf themetune (I used to love that as a kid) but brilliant none the less. Neil Patrick Harris plays the same character he plays in everything else but that is his way and he is good at it.

My trip to America is on Friday, very exciting. I simply cannot wait.

Pip Pip

Wednesday 3 August 2011

You've got a fast car...

Whats that? Two blogs in as many days? I know right? But I just felt I had to blog today, I think it stems directly from the fact I'm not really tired but Im just a cynic at heart.

Sang with Bournemouth Funky today, nice to have a good sing song again, sing a song or two without worrying about whether I am in teh correct diagonall or what the next dance move is. Singing with another branch of funky is quite odd really though basically the concept is the same and all the songs are the same its the little things that change, when the unversal breath point is, how things are pronounced, moments when the Rhythm is not strictly observed. Fun to try and adapt to their new way of doing things.

Directly following singing with Funky went off to see Cars 2. I'll be brutally honest, is it a good film? Probably not the best, did I enjoy it? Hell yes. It was colourful, fun and a good chance to escape the dullness of our day to day lives. This film focuses far more on Mater rather than his Racecar friend Lightening McQueen. Its a move for the better I think, the romance side is far smaller and we end up with a Spy film but with Cars. Brilliant. Gadgets and visual spectacles ahoy. Some brilliant representations of London in there as well as a witty script and abouve all it was, unlike the first film, fast paced. If you are looking for the next Inception or Kings Speech I advise you now not to go anywhere near Cars 2, but if you want to smile for 2 hours head down to the cinema ASAP and get a ticket for Pixars latest offering.

When the credits started to roll this song was played, and I rather liked it, so I decided to add it to the end of the blog.


Tuesday 2 August 2011

To sit in solemnly silence in a dull dark dock...

Well its august apparently and I can't help but feel that old father time had a bit of fun with the changeover into this particular month, we were all casually enjoying July, weather was more hit and miss than an episode of take me out bit it was lovely none the less and then boom, there it is, august the first. I wouldn't mind but I ruined 2 forms on monday just because I diddnt even realise that the month had changed. I wouldn't mind so much if it was just a force of habit thing but it wasn't, I literally diddnt realise July had ended. Points definately go to Old father time for slyness there.

Another Charity players show is now over which is always rather sad but this one was particularily bad as it was my last for a while. Seems to be becoming a paternal at the moment. The show itself was a real laugh to do, as all charity players shows are, but also a real challenge from the point of view that I had not done review before and very quickly had to adapt to quick changes and constantly consulting a bit of paper to find out what was next. The audience seemed to enjoy it and my personal favourite moments of the evening were a song written and performed by the ever brilliant Polly Morris about a lost mobile phone as well as Tracey, Loo and George doing a rendition of the Cheap flights song. Blooming hilarious. Though the shows completion does give me more time it is a bitersweet moment as it marks the closing of another chapter and the tieing of another knot.

Pottermore has been another recent excitement and I am over the moon to say I have taken part in the Magic quill challenge and have obtained an account. This is very exciting and truth be told I am very excited however the sorting process fills me with fear, once and for all I will be told in which house I belong. Scary stuff. This is going to cause me to buy a scarf and tie in whatever house. If its slytherin I shall take solace in the fact that Snape was a syltherin.
Not really seen many films recently, went to see Harry Potter again at the cinema (its still awesome) but have seen nothing new :(. Got seven on Dvd to watch at some point but that is subject to the availability of friends.

Ah well. I'm off.
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Monday 18 July 2011

Something Wicked this way comes....

So here I am, another blog, please hold the applause. This past week has been slightly epic. In this respect it has not been hugely epic but there has been one hugely epic moment.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was released on Firday, I logically went on Friday. It was epic, sensation and just outstanding. I loved it. I have grown up with the Potter books, starting off having them read to me by my dad and then as I grew older reading them myself. The books have been a key part of my childhood, they lead to me making some of my best friends as well as an amazing trip to California. I think its safe to say the books have been crucial to my childhood.

Now onto the film, firstly Helena Bonham-Carter, always a brilliant actress but was truly outstanding in this film, in the Gringotss scene Bonham-Carter was playing Hermionie pretending to be Bellatrix (Bonham-Carters Character). This is a beautifully complex concept but she impersonated Emma Watson perfectly, with little mannerisims and even down to the way she held her hands.

Another mention must go to Alan Rickman. The big wide world that is the internet says that Rickman is Potters main shot at an Academy Award and I'm going to be honest with you people of the world I cannot help thinking they are probably right. The Prices tale, an epic chapter in the book, was just excellent, there were few people in the cinema not in tears. The amount of gifs that I have seen on tumblr about Snape and the fateful word that is "Always". I myself posted on tumblr "After Seven books, some amazing times the best moment is just one word, 'always'" Definatley one of my favourite moments of the entire series!

Maggie Smith and Julie Walters are also awesome, Special effects are the best they have been for all the films so far and I think over all probing that the British CAN do films, we can bing out a blockbuster and we can break records as Harry Potter has done all over the world this past weekend.

Thats the end of my rave about Harry Potter, I'm sure my love for it will never die, I also think that it is nearly the end of this blog entry. I have my last official choir session tonight, emotional times indeed. Eras are ending left right and centre. I cant pretend im even close to ready for it.

Ah well, onward to war...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Happy Days are here again

So I took a blogging break over the exam period, the exams are now over and as I direct result, boom, here I am, Back in the 'blogosphere' if thats the word Im looking for. Its probably not but the modern lingo has often evaded me.

Its been a really busy time, not going to lie, exams, Salad Days, Funky Little Choir Concert, all the fun of the fair. All other than the exams went really well. Gotta love being busy. Its all a bit sad that Salad days was my last T2000 show for a while and then the Concert was my last big Funky event. Still got one more show to do which is always exciting. Working now as well. Marching onwards into a brave new world, or thats what I keep telling myself either way one part of my life is definitely coming to a close rather quickly. But thats enough about me.

It would appear that I cannot go anywhere at the moment without hearing about the News of the screws fiasco. Exciting as it all has been the best part has, as always, been the News International cover up. It followed the typical pattern. "We Know nothing about this it diddnt happen", "It may have happened but we had no idea", "Okay one person knew it was happening" "Well we think there is a group of people that were involved and we are shocked" Im now waiting for it to be announced that everyone in the paper was aware of what was going on.

Harry Potter is out at the end of this week, I am so super excited it is untrue. The final chapter of what has basically been my childhood is fast approaching! To be honest the most exciting part is Snape, Alan Rickman doing the princes tale, its going to be ultimately epicly epic!!!

Thats all for now folks, Im sure I will blog again soon (well soonish).

Friday 15 April 2011

Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet, Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet, hooray

Though the quote in the title is from Shrek the musical, the blog post is far more predictably about Twitter.'the micro-blogging sensation' I mainly included that quote because of its use of the word sensation. Do love a quick sensation before dinner.

Twitter and I go through phases! There are intact three phases.'Read and write', 'read only' and 'what's Twitter?' I love it I really do, it keeps me up to date with all the news about the royal family, its been great on the run up to the royal wedding. It's where I heard about the engagement for crying out loud, but which phase is the right one?

From a marketing and advertising point of view Twitter is a godsend, people tweet offers and competitions, for example regularily give away stuff on Twitter if you can be bothered to follow then and occasionally retweet what they say. Disney make great use of it as a marketing tool. Then there are its uses as news feeds, newspapers all have a twitter accounts, theatres do, I myself follow several technology news accounts as well as mugglenet, who have been known to post some great things!

So there is definately reasons to read Twitter, to scroll through the feed can often be a worthwhile past time and you can often gain information, but is there any point in me tweeting? I have 57 followers, most of the people I know, let's face it I'm not famous or particularily interesting. So is it worth me tweeting, do people actually care what I am doing/have to say. I'm gonna have to say no.

There we have it, hardly a reasoned argument but a logical thought process. Twitter, the correct mode is read only.
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Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Winner takes it all...

It feels like an absolute age since last I blogged, and yet in reality it isn't that long, especially compared to previous gaps in blogging. Ah well.

Aprils here, it arrived with a group of fools that in many ways disappointed me. A lack of creativity this year I think, Google however caused me to bow to their superiority. The Google Motion controls for GMail was pure genius, plus the job advert to be an auto completer. I was rolling in the aisles. If that wasn't enough there was the cheeky Easter egg that if you googled comic sans you got all your results in Comic sans. This it has to be said amused me less as I'm not comic sans' biggest fan. Then again. Who is?

I went to see teh Kings Speech, Stunning film. It was one of those films taht I was always going to love though, period drama, royal family. Im in love really. However it was beautifully done. Helena Bonham Carter was perfection as always, really nice to see her do something just a trifle more normal than her usual though. Just to prove that she still can. Geoffry Rush, also brilliant, I havent really seen him in much to be honest, but it was a heck of a contrast to his character in Pirates of the Carribean, I barely even relised they were the same people until a few pages before teh end. Having mentioned the other two lead characters it would be wrong of me to leave out Mr Firth. He portrayed the reluctant King very well, the stutter was brilliant.

While on the subject of Royalty, the royal wedding. Im so excited. I dont really even know why Im as excited as I am. It just all seems so thrilling. We are in the month of it now. I wonder if they are nervous?

I have Pre-ordere my DVD of Hazza P and the deathly hallows part one. I am so unbelieveably excited! Its less than a week to go! I watched Film 6 the other day. Micheal Gambon dying still annoys me, but the bit after where they all light their wands and hold them in the air is photographic genius!

I watched Mrs Henderson presents again, I still love it. Its still one of my favourite films! So I shall leave you with a quote from it.
We've had some good shows, but they're not daring enough. Let's get rid of the clothes.

Sunday 20 March 2011

You'll get by, You always have before

So today was the day I decided to sit down and actually Listen to the Bruno Mars album, I've had it for ages but not actually got round to listening to it. Having now gone through it I do feel I was mistreating myself by not listening, its a good ol album. Glee Volume Five on the other hand, disappointing. A couple of good tracks but definitely more miss than hit, and that saddens me, I have come to look forward to the Glee albums, as odd as that sounds.

In film news I watched the Queen this week, Good film. Helen Mirren is fab. I expected it to be over a longer time period than it was, but I ended up loving the in depth nature. Unfortunately I found the film in no way quotable, which is sad, as I often thing that the mark of a good film is whether or not you can quote a line later.

I went to see Rango at the cinema, can't say I was overly impressed. It looked great, but the story just didn't seem to know what on earth it was, its trying to do the Muppet's, but then a serious drama, character work, and then be a western for funsies. All very odd! Saw some cool trailers at the cinema though, Hop looks great, and the new Pirates film looks entertaining. Captain Jack is returning to our screens, and I have to say I love the line "Did everybody see that, because I will not be doing it again" I'd go see the film just for that to be honest.

Comic relief was good, wasn't really in the mood for laughing, but I did enjoy it. Smithy sketch was golden! Masterchef was Hilare, mainly because I love those three women. Also The Downton piss take really had me laughing. "You can't talk now, the music is playing"

Its been a tough week, but heres to the next one.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Life is a Rollercoaster, Just Got To Ride it...

Well March arrived. Who knew? Nice of it to turn up. Wish it had come earlier really.

So, I have started rehearsing again, Hip Hip Hooray, for a show called Salad Days with Theatre 2000. its on at the regent in half term and quite frankly I cannot wait. Ridiculous lyrics, Corny music and a magic Piano, its like the show was written for me.

Life at home is borderline horrific at the moment, so we wont dwell on it, I only mention it to point out that it lead to me buying a book called Noel and Cole, abiography side by side of Cole Porter and Noel Coward. Only read a small bit of it so far, but I rather like it. Not Gonna Lie.

I also watched Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium the other day. I have to be honest, I got it becuase I like the sound of the name but it is actually quite a good film. Really sad, possibly one of the best lines being "I fell so completely in love with these shoes, I bought enough pairs to last my whole lifetime. This is my last pair."There is also a stunning bit of dialogue discussing King Lear which I will also quote:

"When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He's written "He dies." That's all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is "He dies." It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with "He dies." And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it's only natural to be sad, but not because of the words "He dies." but because of the life we saw prior to the words.
I've lived all five of my acts, and I am not asking you to be happy that I must go. I'm only asking that you turn the page, continue reading... and let the next story begin. And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest "He died.""

The director probably needs a hanging but altogether a pretty decent film!

Results day tomorrow, could not be more concerned. Jan exams was not a happy time in my life and tomorrow I have to see what affect that had on my grades and where I am going to University. Whats not to dread? Literally terrified.

Lastly and possibly most importantly we move on to the good Lady Bing. She happened to comment that she one day hoped to read my blog and it to be all about her, and though I feel this is not quite possible today as I had other things to mention, I still feel that the Fabulous Lady Bing deserves a quick mention and I wish her the best of luck on her expedition in the hunt of Monkeys, and remind her to contemplate taking nails with her on the trip.

One last quote used in Mr Magorium to close... ( you can tell I liked the film)

"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it"
Tinkerty tonk!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Please Let me...

Well its been a busy old time! Two weeks in which I havent really stopped.

Half Term brought work, always a joy, I had fun as I always do but I also had stressful time also. I had to tell someone that the sound had stopped on tehir computer becuase they had put it on mute. Never a dull moment...

Tw1tterband has also taken up a rather large part of my life recently. The concept is pure genius. Its a song with each part done by a different person on twitter and then the whole thing put together by a mystical Computer Whiz. None of the musicians ever meet and the final track is then released on Youtube for Charity. The Choir has been part of their latest venture and it was such fun to do. We recorded it in Sandies Living room, (where else?) and then the mystical man added it in to the track. The final thing was released on sunday and I rather like it. Good FUn all round. Not to mention the twitter banter that goes on.

I went to see Tangled in the glorius 3D and loved it. Disney back at its brilliant best. Was so much fun, the 3D element is brilliant and the songs involve the words 'THE PLAGUE' almost randomly. The imagery thats involved is rather brilliant with that moment. Great Songs, Great Film, all round good fun who could ask for more?

The last level of funness of my past two weeks was a great trip up to The Royal Opera House for an audition for a choir for the olympics. Some of the workshops were brilliant, others less so, but a grand day out as wallace and gromit would say. Well Gromit wouldnt, he doesnt speak, but you get the idea.

Auditions for HCP summer show are coming up. I love that I am starting to be busy again!



Monday 14 February 2011

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun

Well one big happy valentines day to anyone who is reading my blog! Hope youve all had a laugh and chuckle today!

Saw that picture on Twitter and I just loved and I thought to myself, "this, this is something that I will blog" because its heart warming really. Call me old but I like that.

Have fun.
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Wednesday 9 February 2011

My Funny Valentine

Well, its on its way, they day that all single people despise, and all people in a relationship look forward too, and, providing they are not disappointed, enjoy immensely. I refer of course to Valentines day. A day like no other, but still beautifully commercialised by the Americans and a good ol day of merriment and fun.

I follow Disney on Twitter, I know its sad but I must do something to keep myself interested, and they have some pretty intense plans for disney land and some stunning ideas for anyone taking their loved one to Disney on Valentines. The happiest place on earth is remaining that way it would seem, even on Valentines day. All through the magic of Mickey.

I recently watched Fantasia again. Stunning film, truly stunning. A less stunning dvd to enter my dvd player was that of Dollhouse, an american drama, it was sadly slow with plot lines people would have got upset over, but you can't win them all!

I personally dislike February, I cant help it, its in my soul. Nothing happens in february. Its three days shorter than most months, it just feels like a cop out month quite frankly, a month of feeling unhappy and lonely. Or maybe thats just me. Either way I'm going to go right ahead and blame the month, because thats what I do.

Tangled and the Kings Speech are still very high on my, to-see list, Ill get there eventually. I promise.

Another blog over, and not much said. I dunno maybe I should just give this up.


Friday 7 January 2011

June is Bustin' out all over...

Well January is here, who knew. I often find January to be a sneaky month, much like its counter part December. Everyone is always totally amazed taht the idea we could be in said months, which I attribute to teh idea of being sneaky. They run at us from behind and then BAM they are upon us. Most Inconsiderate

January is a horrible month for students everywhere because it means January examinations. I myself have four. I couldnt possible hate them more right now, but its better tahn doing them all in the summer I suppose. eitehr way Exams are horrifc but at least this way they are split up into slightly more digestable portions.

House is quite frankly getting me through this horrific time almost single handedly. I got a few DVD's for Christmas, but most notable has to be Beauty and the Beast, and House Season 6. I have already watched Beauty and the Beast twice and am casually working through House. Yes I suppose its sad that I still get enhjoyment from a Disney film, but its just brilliant!

Time marches on and sadly so must I,
