Thursday 10 November 2011

I've been for a walk, on a winters day....

Well I have to open with the simple fact that York is getting cold. Its true, I know that over the past year you have come to suspect me of casually lying to you, but York is actually getting cold, not sure I can cope.

Last week I went to see a student production of Thoroughly Modern Millie which was actually really good. The music from the show I love and the plot is really awful but as a production it was well worth the seven english pounds and fifty pence that I paid to go see it. At the start, if I'm honest I was apprehensive, the first song was slightly tense, but after that it really picked up, and became a, dare I say it, thoroughly enjoyable evening of entertainment. Do you see what I did there?

Uni has been busy these past couple of days, Group project is due in quite soon, tests have been all this week and the excitement of the Study abroad talk is this week as well! I really want to do it but I am not sure if I will be able to afford to go, however myself and the bank will have a conversations about my finances, we will laugh we will cry, we will live the dream. Banks and I are such friends really, but shush its a secret.

I dont really know why I felt the need to write this particular blog, I diddnt have a huge amount to say, however it is lovely to think that infact I have now blogged. Lots of exciting things to look forward to next week, the old man is coming to visit not to mention the fact the angels will be re-united once more.

Gilmore Girls provides me with the quote one which I close:

"I don't leave messages, If I wanted to talk to a machine I would talk to my VCR"

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