Sunday 20 March 2011

You'll get by, You always have before

So today was the day I decided to sit down and actually Listen to the Bruno Mars album, I've had it for ages but not actually got round to listening to it. Having now gone through it I do feel I was mistreating myself by not listening, its a good ol album. Glee Volume Five on the other hand, disappointing. A couple of good tracks but definitely more miss than hit, and that saddens me, I have come to look forward to the Glee albums, as odd as that sounds.

In film news I watched the Queen this week, Good film. Helen Mirren is fab. I expected it to be over a longer time period than it was, but I ended up loving the in depth nature. Unfortunately I found the film in no way quotable, which is sad, as I often thing that the mark of a good film is whether or not you can quote a line later.

I went to see Rango at the cinema, can't say I was overly impressed. It looked great, but the story just didn't seem to know what on earth it was, its trying to do the Muppet's, but then a serious drama, character work, and then be a western for funsies. All very odd! Saw some cool trailers at the cinema though, Hop looks great, and the new Pirates film looks entertaining. Captain Jack is returning to our screens, and I have to say I love the line "Did everybody see that, because I will not be doing it again" I'd go see the film just for that to be honest.

Comic relief was good, wasn't really in the mood for laughing, but I did enjoy it. Smithy sketch was golden! Masterchef was Hilare, mainly because I love those three women. Also The Downton piss take really had me laughing. "You can't talk now, the music is playing"

Its been a tough week, but heres to the next one.

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