Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Winner takes it all...

It feels like an absolute age since last I blogged, and yet in reality it isn't that long, especially compared to previous gaps in blogging. Ah well.

Aprils here, it arrived with a group of fools that in many ways disappointed me. A lack of creativity this year I think, Google however caused me to bow to their superiority. The Google Motion controls for GMail was pure genius, plus the job advert to be an auto completer. I was rolling in the aisles. If that wasn't enough there was the cheeky Easter egg that if you googled comic sans you got all your results in Comic sans. This it has to be said amused me less as I'm not comic sans' biggest fan. Then again. Who is?

I went to see teh Kings Speech, Stunning film. It was one of those films taht I was always going to love though, period drama, royal family. Im in love really. However it was beautifully done. Helena Bonham Carter was perfection as always, really nice to see her do something just a trifle more normal than her usual though. Just to prove that she still can. Geoffry Rush, also brilliant, I havent really seen him in much to be honest, but it was a heck of a contrast to his character in Pirates of the Carribean, I barely even relised they were the same people until a few pages before teh end. Having mentioned the other two lead characters it would be wrong of me to leave out Mr Firth. He portrayed the reluctant King very well, the stutter was brilliant.

While on the subject of Royalty, the royal wedding. Im so excited. I dont really even know why Im as excited as I am. It just all seems so thrilling. We are in the month of it now. I wonder if they are nervous?

I have Pre-ordere my DVD of Hazza P and the deathly hallows part one. I am so unbelieveably excited! Its less than a week to go! I watched Film 6 the other day. Micheal Gambon dying still annoys me, but the bit after where they all light their wands and hold them in the air is photographic genius!

I watched Mrs Henderson presents again, I still love it. Its still one of my favourite films! So I shall leave you with a quote from it.
We've had some good shows, but they're not daring enough. Let's get rid of the clothes.

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