Wednesday 13 July 2011

Happy Days are here again

So I took a blogging break over the exam period, the exams are now over and as I direct result, boom, here I am, Back in the 'blogosphere' if thats the word Im looking for. Its probably not but the modern lingo has often evaded me.

Its been a really busy time, not going to lie, exams, Salad Days, Funky Little Choir Concert, all the fun of the fair. All other than the exams went really well. Gotta love being busy. Its all a bit sad that Salad days was my last T2000 show for a while and then the Concert was my last big Funky event. Still got one more show to do which is always exciting. Working now as well. Marching onwards into a brave new world, or thats what I keep telling myself either way one part of my life is definitely coming to a close rather quickly. But thats enough about me.

It would appear that I cannot go anywhere at the moment without hearing about the News of the screws fiasco. Exciting as it all has been the best part has, as always, been the News International cover up. It followed the typical pattern. "We Know nothing about this it diddnt happen", "It may have happened but we had no idea", "Okay one person knew it was happening" "Well we think there is a group of people that were involved and we are shocked" Im now waiting for it to be announced that everyone in the paper was aware of what was going on.

Harry Potter is out at the end of this week, I am so super excited it is untrue. The final chapter of what has basically been my childhood is fast approaching! To be honest the most exciting part is Snape, Alan Rickman doing the princes tale, its going to be ultimately epicly epic!!!

Thats all for now folks, Im sure I will blog again soon (well soonish).

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