Thursday 30 December 2010

Fa la la la la la la la la

Well Christmas has been as gone as it often does. In fact I've noticed over the years that It always does that, one day its here and the next its gone. All that anticipation and then one day. It is an exceptionally merry day though...

I totally went to see megamind, hence the picture. It's a brilliant film. The most impressive thing being the characters. Brilliant.

New year rapidly approaches and of course that means reflecting on the year gone and making promises that will not be kept in the year to come.

Who's excited eh?
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Tuesday 14 December 2010

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

Don't look at me like that, it is. Everywhere I go infact. Christmas Christmas Christmas is all im seeing at the moment and a large part of me full on loves that. Christmas is a merry time when bright colours are accepted, glitter is common place and sparkle is everywhere. What in that recipe is not to love?

I recently bought a Trilogy of the Aladdin films, yes, thats right, there WERE three and oh my they are truly brilliant. You think, nah they cant be, but they are. Robin Williams obviously makes them so the Second one isnt great, but the other two, more gags than a hostage situation.

I am playing Bruno in a production of Strictly Christmas. What a laugh. Italian accents ahoy. I can hardly wait.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Making all the Music he can make

My song quote title for this particular blog is from that Dull Rodgers and Hammerstein show, South pacific, why I hear you ask? well the answer is simple, I am in Theatre 2000's production of it this week and I cannot get that particular song out of my head which is rather upsetting, but then again I do rather like it so it's all good.

Once again it has been a great length of time since last i blogged, and I do feel guilty, I truly do, but then i remember no-one is reading it. There is however that eternal question, If I blogged More would more people bother to read it. I answer, for the sake of my conscience, no.

It has however been all go since last I blogged, things have been happening in the news (I know, shocking huh?). The most exciting as far as I am concerned is the news of the Royal Wedding, got to love a cheeky Royal wedding thats what I say. Gloom Gloom Gloom Gloom, BAM, royal wedding and your laughing. The most depressing piece of news has got to be the student fees rise. Protests are being arranged by the second, one has already happened and was fine apart from a slight destructive tinge when some people attacked Milbank house. There is another protest lined up for tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Cambridge have given me an interview date. Always a terrifying moment. I have been doing some TSA practice as well as looked at some Step papers, and Wow, they are hard work, the TSA far less than the STEP I have to say.

And now, almost as soon as I have started i must dash off to a dress rehearsal, I hope I haven't been too boring, though I fear I hope in vein.


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Bang Bang, He shot me down...

Yeah thats right, Its an apprentice commentary blog, whos excited?

So this episode is brilliantly called "Bangers" and shock horror its linked to Sausages. Quite frankly I am excited! The twist to the beginning of this episode is the fact that they are starting in the middle of the night, *gasp*.

I had forgotten that Margaret had left the program, my world actually crashed when I remembered. Team Names are chosen, (Apollo is an appalling name, he was a man and womaniser) then team captains are chosen with some hefty banging on the table that I cannot pretend didn't amuse me greatly.

I keep seeing the words Lord Sugar appear on my screen, and I say to myself "Who is this Lord chap" what is he doing on the apprentice and then I remember and all is good in the world.

Nick is a beautiful human being, irritated by the bitchiness he speaks his mind. I find there is something wonderful about 16 supposedly educated people arguing about sausages.

What is going on with this girl with the glasses. she keeps talking, and I keep zoning out, so I keep losing any point she may or may not have made.

So the Butchers are robbing the Candidates, I have never been more proud of Butchers, I feel the Baker and Candlestick maker have lost out to their comrade.

There is some serious power play going on in both teams, in the guys team testosterone is flying around the room, if I was to enter that room right now I would definitely be needing a mask. If they lose crazy non-Margaret woman will take them to the cleaners.

May I add that Nick looks beautiful in a hairnet, and blonde girl far less so. Non-Margaret is trying far to hard to work the look.

The mens team are just faffing, we should proably send them to the commonwelth games as the faffing team.

Voice over man makes a comical joke "Not a sausage" and the men are shouting "Its too hard" which is just a comical thing to hear to be honest.

So the Mens team leader comically said that it went well and it was due to the fact that people kept calm and he kept calm. NOTHING WAS CALM!

Selling is beginning, so many sausage innuendo, so little time. Now the men have gone door to door, it isnt the bloody yellow pages, they are shopping.

Right the girls have hunted out a chef, lets face it he is a attractive and tehy are all flirting like mad.

So to summarise the selling process, FAFF FAFF FAFF. Thats all really, onward to the board room.

This is the bit I actually dislike commenting on, because though interesting to watch it is very hard to chat about in an interesting way. The boys lost, but by a surprisingly small amount. They boys in the boardroom act "like a bunch of old washer woman". Lots of chat, blah blah, argue argue, Stuart gets a bit gobby, we wait to hear who will be fired.

Team leader Dan is out. Another year, another team leader in the first task is out.

Lord Sugars search for his apprentice has begun.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Goodbye 12, Goodbye 13....

Well its been a busy old time I must say. The dreaded UCAS deadline draws ever closer and with it the need for a decent personal statement. Which is Damned near impossible for me to produce it would seem. Every time I try and write it I just end up sounding either like Marvin for the hitchikers guide to the galaxy or every other monotone character ever. I can't instantly think of one right now. It will come to me I'm sure.

This week marked the departure of David. We had a farewell meal and it was all very lovely and now he has gone to warwick and I have to say life, or more to the point theatre 2000 shows without him.are going to be very odd. For as long as we have been doing berties shows David and I have sat and laughed together and now I feel quite alone. It's very bizarre. I may have to demand his return.

Good concert with the choir yesterday at the poole lighthouse. Not many people attended but the put that down to the lack of advertising and marketing rather than the popularity of the choirs involved which I am thankful for. The Maestro sang a lovely duet also which was lovely to listen to.

Off to York this week. To look at the university. It's the last one I have to see. Relief fills me. The process will soon be over!

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Wednesday 22 September 2010

Get ready everybody 'cos here we go...

Yeah thats right, Im blogging two days in a row after not blogging for the entirety of August. Could it get any more thrilling? I thought not...

Today was one of those days that were just mediocre and then BAM S Club 7 is playing in the cafe, singing along then of course HAD to happen, followed quite quickly by dancing. Whats not to love? It was a brilliant moment in my life.

From there on in it just gets better, made brownies at Hid's for Yaz's birthday and then I caught up on the Inbetweeners, yeah, Im exciting.

Now however Im just listening to a merry mixture of S Club (of course), Spice Girls, Busted and McFly... and I wonder why I'm Single

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Turned off Gardeners Question Time...

Well I'm back, blogging again after another considerable length of time, one day I'll become a blogging regular, just maybe not today.

Time has positively flown by since last I blogged, America was rather fabulous. Disney had to be a highlight, definitely met Mickey Mouse which was rather amazing. Had an amazing time, San Diego was brilliant, fun filled days and Disney films in the evening, whats not to love?

Back to the studying now. Oh will the joys never end. However with it studying brings the birthday season, including my own, and of course... Panto. Beauty and the Beast is the HCP panto of choice this year. What a laugh. Started rehearsals this very day. Giggles all around.

UCAS is quite merrily becoming the bane of my life. I just casually walk down a corridor and BAM I see a poster about Uni and I remember that I have a personal statement to write. UCAS just taunts me with my imperfections and I cannot say I am amused.

Currently having repetitive dreams about my death, its quite a pickle, but Im sure that they will sort themselves out.

Till we meet again oh Blog of Bloggington.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Like the last time and the time before...

Well its been a long time since my last post once again. Incredable proof that I am, in fact, a failed blogger. On the upside I am pretty sure that no-one has in any way missed my poor excuse for a blog.

I have witnessed several 'End of Eras' recently. Teachers are dissertation after 8 years, year groups are flying off to bigger and better things. The school will be shockingly quiet without them.

The new Hazza P film is getting ever closer and call me sad and what have you but I am rather excited. I have always loved it and I see no reason to stop now. The beginning of the end of another era. Again quite a sad thought.

It is less than three weeks until I zip off to America which is very exciting. In the mean time however there is alot to be done. Shows to do, speeches to give. Of course one more trip to my beloved London. Gotta Love it.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

And the drums will Crash

Third blog of April, can I get a hallelujah? No well I diddnt really think so but what can you do, I feel its important to ask.

Today saw me, Stephen Hutt, have a haircut, I would ask for another hallelujah but o-one is reading this so what is the point, plus the first one as so disastrous. Anyway its been a day of getting things done, which is always nice, EPQ handed in, Hair is cut, and... well thats it really, but it feels like an achievement to me.

I saw Titanic last week, that was nice. Oh look thats that paragraph over. No really, good show, fantastic Orchestra, I would even saw flawless if I was a more positive person, which, I am not.

Well this has been a pointless blog entry,


Wednesday 14 April 2010

Giving Up a Life of Glamour

Two blogs in the space of one month, this hasn't happened since January...Okay well I was pleased.

Easter is shooting by, holidays will soon be over and education will soon resume. Ah well you cant have it all ways, I do look forward to returning to the hustle and bustle of Highcliffe Sixth Form, a little.

Drowsy Chaperone is officially over now, and I have to say it saddens me a little bit, well a lot if truth be told. It was a fantastic show to be a part of and I shall mis it terribly, but in the mean time I must look to the future Mack and Mabel is on the horizon, I am starting to get a hang of the tap, slowly, ya never know, I might even learn my lines soon.

Sheila Hancock has been heralded one of the best Tv judges and I have to say in many ways I agree, she has been fantastic in over the technicoloured dreamcoat. Her comments are too the point without being abusive. Got to love it.

Onwards To War!

Sunday 4 April 2010

We hear he is a Whiz of a Wiz...

What a busy ole time its been eh? I have returned to the blog as I feared I would periodically. No-one is reading it so who cares.

Lloyd Webbers latest venture since Paint Never Dries has hit our screens recently and oh my lord. What a party of crazy it is. I would have just cut it down to four, then let the public decide and move on but no we are going to sit through the whole thing. What a Giggle.

In my shockingly small world everything is changing, Mack and Mabel begins work, Blocking oh the joys, We go on for Drowsy Chaperone on Thursday, Titanic is on the week after, then back to school for higher education conventions, in the mean tie work ecetera keeps me on my toes.

Loving easter though, lots of good tv. Skybox is my lover on that score. Heroes, time off, its one big giggle.

I will go now. Its for the Best.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

The Dirty Laundry's On The Line

So, I havent posted in a while, and I'll tell you for why, its mainly because I am a terrible blogger, its just not built into me, I do not know why. I cant cope, Im sorry, there we go, I have now apologised to the 0 readers of my blog

Friday 8 January 2010

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun...

Another snow hindered day today, however it was still productive through the miricale of friends!

The last couple of days have been a trifle bizare to be honest with you. Not being at college has been strange and not entirely a good thing, due to ya know, exams. The exam boards are being extremely ahrsh about the whole things, some would even stretch to calling them bitchy, but I would never do such a thing.

Bad news for one of my closest friends regarding Cambridge University which I've gotta say hit very hard, as everyone though he would make the cut.

Pantomime is drawing closer, set is starting to arrive, I've just seen a huge washing machine, peopel are taking cast photos, its all good fun but at the same time rather scary.

The french President ahs pulled out another comedy moment, he suggests a tax on search engines, I may be a trifel simple but its called the World Wide Web, ya know global thing, where does the moeny go, at whos currency do we use that would mean teh tax would change with the exchange rate. Silly man, think it through. I jsut cant compe with this level of Sillyness.

Ah well

Until Next time when I write a post no-one will read...

Wednesday 6 January 2010

The weather outside is frightful...

Okay, its official I cant cope with the idea of snow stopping the world, its lovely, its fluffy, it makes a fabulous weapon and building material however it is no reason for the earth itself to stand still!

People put up with feet of snow and stumble along, however we get a couple of centimetres and panic that death and apocolypse is the only logical thing that can follow this frozen stuff falling from the sky. Often I embrace this and chuckle, but today it upset me, I have exams on the way, I could do with a trip into the old college, but instead the world stood still.

Saying this I do want people to be safe, people here are not sued to driving in this condition and I do understand why the world stands still, jsut upsets me. Ah well. We will, stumble along...