Tuesday 23 November 2010

Making all the Music he can make

My song quote title for this particular blog is from that Dull Rodgers and Hammerstein show, South pacific, why I hear you ask? well the answer is simple, I am in Theatre 2000's production of it this week and I cannot get that particular song out of my head which is rather upsetting, but then again I do rather like it so it's all good.

Once again it has been a great length of time since last i blogged, and I do feel guilty, I truly do, but then i remember no-one is reading it. There is however that eternal question, If I blogged More would more people bother to read it. I answer, for the sake of my conscience, no.

It has however been all go since last I blogged, things have been happening in the news (I know, shocking huh?). The most exciting as far as I am concerned is the news of the Royal Wedding, got to love a cheeky Royal wedding thats what I say. Gloom Gloom Gloom Gloom, BAM, royal wedding and your laughing. The most depressing piece of news has got to be the student fees rise. Protests are being arranged by the second, one has already happened and was fine apart from a slight destructive tinge when some people attacked Milbank house. There is another protest lined up for tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Cambridge have given me an interview date. Always a terrifying moment. I have been doing some TSA practice as well as looked at some Step papers, and Wow, they are hard work, the TSA far less than the STEP I have to say.

And now, almost as soon as I have started i must dash off to a dress rehearsal, I hope I haven't been too boring, though I fear I hope in vein.


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