Thursday 20 December 2012

Would you know my name, If I saw you in heaven...

Well well well, people of the blogosphere I greet you with the air remorse, regret and that of an Uncle whom you have not seen for quite some time. It has been a definite age since last we spoke, much has happened, the world has changed, changed back again and decided it wants to be called Trudy in the time between my last blog post and this one. I am however, here now, and there is much that we have to discuss.

The elephant in the room. Let's start with that shall we? I went to America, I was there for 13 weeks. Three fun filled exciting Months! I am to return there soon after Christmas for a further 6 months. You would be correct in thinking this is very exciting! My American adventure began on a fun day in September as I drove to Heathrow terminal 3 to depart on a Virgin Atlantic flight to San Francisco international Airport. I cannot tell you what time I left this country because frankly I don't remember the details. I do however know that the aeroplane was called 'Lady Penelope' (This did inspire me to say Thunderbirds are Go! at Take off...). Glad to know that my brain is really making sure that I remember the important details about my trip. Flying across the globe on your own is not something that I will ever advise. to anyone, you know, ever, but I made it through the rain and got out the other side. That was when the fun began.

Studying at UCSC for a term (or quarter as they say) has been a huge experience. I have met some fantastic people and lived the American dream for 13 weeks. I have encountered some of the great creations of the country. Ice Cream shops? Literally a store that only sells Ice Cream in its various guises with various toppings. These things just are not commonplace in England, its too bloody cold, but as an Ice Cream lover I adore it. I have also seen that if the Americans think there is a possibility of converting something to a Drive through experience they will do it. We are talking banks and pharmacy's people, I was as shocked as you are let me tell you. A real thrill of America as far as I am concerned is American Diners! I adore them, just wonderful, and the milkshakes are out of this world! I constantly feel like Luke will arrive and start shouting at someone about something stupid whenever I am in one. They are excellent. If I could make them work in this country I would abandon the whole Computer Science shindig immediately. For more information on my American experience please buy my book, it is sure to be a Christmas bestseller, suffice to say that I am super excited to return to America after Christmas even though being back at home is wonderful!

So lets talk about Films, I always seem to do that. I enjoy talking about films. Since last we spoke I have seen four films that I feel I worth talking about! Let's start with Skyfall. Sensational. Bond is back in action and back with a Bang after Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. The new Q is played excellently, I adore him. The dry humour is excellent and I hope that we will see much more of him in the films to come. Desmond is a hard act to follow but I think Ben Wishaw has got it in him to really be spectacular. I won't say much more because anything I do say will end up being laden with spoilers and I really don't want to be that guy. All I will say is that it was a traumatic experience for me to watch certain scenes.

With Ben Wishaw on the mind I shall segue seamlessly into talking about Cloud Atlas. Now this was a film I LOVED. It is excellently written with 6 separate and yet interlinked stories across 6 timezones with 12 key cast members playing different characters in each time zone. It is, in  word Brilliant. The makeup and effects are excellent transforming actors into the various roles, including Hugo Weaving as a woman, don't ask me why, I was traumatised too. Ben Wishaw is also in this film - It's been a good time for him recently what with this, Skyfall and the Hour all be huge successes - and he does very well. The main character that he plays is enough to bring the audience to tears as well as, in the theatre I was in, scream at the screen. Tom Hanks and Halle Berry make an excellent Duo teaming up in many of the timezones. the film highlights how similar circumstances can pan out differently depending on the environment, with a variety of themes and stories coming full circle in time, with characters getting gradually more evil in different plots. Reading this paragraph back it sounds confusing, and maybe I haven't explained as well as I could of, but let me make it clear, this film is a puzzle. Decidedly so, but a puzzle worth watching as it will leave you thinking for days to come!

Film number three that I wanted to talk about was The Perks of being a Wallflower. Now I have read various excerpts from the book and I have always been very impressed by how the book combats the complex issue that is depression so when I heard that it was going to be a film I was alarmed, I will be honest, I thought that Hollywood would ruin this book. The saving grace of this notion is that the screenplay of the film was written by the books author, who then also directed the film. The result of this unusual situation was excellence. The Perks of being a Wallflower follows one child through his depression has he finds friends that he will stick with for the rest of his life. It will make you laugh and it will almost definitely make you cry. It is excellent. The boy from Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Logan Lerman, plays lead character Charlie very well and with real conviction but for me the performance that is worth noting is Ezra Miller as Patrick. I do not think there is a single person that can watch that film and not want Patrick as a friend. The character is excellently written and does not provide conventional support for Charlie, but rather constantly provides him with an escape, with a conversation that doesn't involve how he feels. As far as I am concerned that is a friendship like no other.

My fourth film is a bit more fun. Wreck it Ralph! Disney's latest animated offering does not disappoint. Fun for kids and teenagers alike the film is based around Arcade game characters with references to my childhood left right and centre. I sat next to you a boy of six and a chap of 21. We all enjoyed the film immensely, the two of us that are older laughed in different places, to the 5 year old but we both left the screening with ear to ear grins that can only be the result of a truly entertaining film! It made a huge amount of profit in its opening weekend and I cannot say that I am surprised, it is a fun film for all the family, with a Disney esque message, fun plot, excellent animation and lots of laughs. Perfect.

Well if you have made it this far I salute you, that's real dedication right there! You have read through all the drivel that I write about the past and now we must look forward to Christmas. Coca Cola have told us that Holidays are coming, Marks and Spencer's have told us that we need to buy lots of food and the television channels have told us there is good television to look forward too!

BBC are giving us Doctor who, should be a goodun as well as Call the Midwife and Miranda! Fun for all the family as well as a good deal of laughing I expect! Sadly no Sherlock this festive season which I assume we can blame Mr Moffat for, but I guess Cumberbatch being off filming for the new Star Trek can't have helped the situation. 2014 seems like an awfully long way away though. Especially after the drama of the Reichenbach fall! ITV give us Downton Abbey. Of course I am excited for that one. This season of Downton showed Maggie Smith at her very best as well as having suitable amounts of Drama to keep you hooked and I really hope that the Christmas special lives up to that!

I have my standard hit list of Christmas films to watch at some point when they are on the telebox:
  • Mary Poppins
  • Muppets Christmas Carol
  • Sound of Music
  • Polar Express
  • Miracle on 34th Street
and who knows, maybe I will add a new one into the tradition.

I wish anyone who is reading this a Very Merry Christmas filled with Joy and too much food!


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