Tuesday 28 May 2013

Pictures of You, Pictures of Me...

It seems that, with an alarming degree of regularity, I have to apologise for not blogging in a considerable length of time. I am sorry. It just slips my mind, and I hate myself for that. I feel like one day I will really regret not writing everything down. Today is the beginning of that day...maybe.

So what is going on in my life I hear you cry? Well I am in America still! I know, they haven't thrown me out yet. No-one is more surprised than I. Equally no-one is more thrilled than I either. Day by day I grow fonder of these United States. The people are splendid, I'm slowly getting used to the food and day by day I am closer to leaving. The temporary life.

So my latest revelation as far as  food is concerned is soup, wait for it, served in a BREAD BOWL, that's right, a loaf of bread, hollowed to become a bowl which is then filed with soup. It's everything that is good about soup in an easy to eat way. It is however alot of bread. But that is the way it works. I had witnessed this phenomenon back in November time but I had not had the courage to eat it. However whilst on a trip to Disneyland I threw caution to the wind and ordered it. Well, when in Rome... No Regrets.

So yeah. I went to Disneyland. We will talk about that more some other time. There will be a full debrief because, believe you me, you will need it. I mainly say this because if I start rambling about Disneyland now I will never stop and that's just awkward for everyone involved.

Recent adventures! I went and played tourist in San Francisco for a day recently. 'Such Fun!' The purpose of the trip was supposedly for a friend of mine to get his Visa paperwork filed, however I took advantage of the day to check a few items off my bucket list. I went and saw City Hall, very enjoyable. I also went to Chine Town, Union Square, Macy's and Rode a cable car. Talk about productive. We also saw a Disney Cruise ship which was docked at Pier 33. The temptation to try and steal aboard was very strong, but that would have reduced how touristy I could have been for the rest of the day. The cable car was a real joy! I got quite over excited about the whole thing. There is a small possibility I was bouncing...

With my time in California drawing to a close I don't quite know what to do with myself. The people I have met here have been fantastic and it will be very difficult to say that hideous word I hate so much. I have started to pack up my possessions. Grim.

Let's talk films briefly, Great Gatsby, yes well, good soundtrack if you don't watch the film and I have to advise that you don't watch the film. At the same time, watch the film. It's worth seeing, I'm just not going to stand up and say its the film event of the season.
Star Trek, Into Darkness. Brilliant. Some wonderful throwbacks to the original movies. Benedict Cumberbatch does a wonderful job in a excellent coat. I fear he would be nothing without a long flowing coat, but right now that really isn't an issue. The film is a good one for the Star Trek fans but also for people who just want a good Sci-Fi action movie. Simon Pegg does an excellent job as Scottie, Quinto is an excellent Spock once again. It was a delightfully nerdy experience for me. I was beyond excited and, even better, I was not disappointed.

Well that was a fun update on my life, I hope you enjoyed it oh reader.

'Goodbye trolley People' - I now count myself as a Trolley person, beyond excited!

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