Monday 29 August 2011

Wit Beyond Measure is mans greatest treasure

So something very exciting happened today, more exciting perhaps than a Poirot novel, and it is that my Pottermore email has arrived. I raced to my computer as soon as the words were displayed on my phone and from there I was able to begin the adventure.

Ill be honest I love it, there is lots of extra little bits of information that just fills in the tiny holes in the Potterverse. It really peaks the curiosity and pleases my mind. So far there has been some excellent information regarding McGonagall, as well as the Dursleys and Quirrell.

The sorting was a very traumatic process, It really scared me especially as there was a quick video from JK telling you to be truthful and that it was the moment to be sorted. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. As you can probably tell from the picture above I was sorted into Ravenclaw. Now I just need to get a scarf.

In other news I saw the Smurfs at the weekend, crackin' little film, could do with some more singing of the Smurf themetune (I used to love that as a kid) but brilliant none the less. Neil Patrick Harris plays the same character he plays in everything else but that is his way and he is good at it.

My trip to America is on Friday, very exciting. I simply cannot wait.

Pip Pip

Wednesday 3 August 2011

You've got a fast car...

Whats that? Two blogs in as many days? I know right? But I just felt I had to blog today, I think it stems directly from the fact I'm not really tired but Im just a cynic at heart.

Sang with Bournemouth Funky today, nice to have a good sing song again, sing a song or two without worrying about whether I am in teh correct diagonall or what the next dance move is. Singing with another branch of funky is quite odd really though basically the concept is the same and all the songs are the same its the little things that change, when the unversal breath point is, how things are pronounced, moments when the Rhythm is not strictly observed. Fun to try and adapt to their new way of doing things.

Directly following singing with Funky went off to see Cars 2. I'll be brutally honest, is it a good film? Probably not the best, did I enjoy it? Hell yes. It was colourful, fun and a good chance to escape the dullness of our day to day lives. This film focuses far more on Mater rather than his Racecar friend Lightening McQueen. Its a move for the better I think, the romance side is far smaller and we end up with a Spy film but with Cars. Brilliant. Gadgets and visual spectacles ahoy. Some brilliant representations of London in there as well as a witty script and abouve all it was, unlike the first film, fast paced. If you are looking for the next Inception or Kings Speech I advise you now not to go anywhere near Cars 2, but if you want to smile for 2 hours head down to the cinema ASAP and get a ticket for Pixars latest offering.

When the credits started to roll this song was played, and I rather liked it, so I decided to add it to the end of the blog.


Tuesday 2 August 2011

To sit in solemnly silence in a dull dark dock...

Well its august apparently and I can't help but feel that old father time had a bit of fun with the changeover into this particular month, we were all casually enjoying July, weather was more hit and miss than an episode of take me out bit it was lovely none the less and then boom, there it is, august the first. I wouldn't mind but I ruined 2 forms on monday just because I diddnt even realise that the month had changed. I wouldn't mind so much if it was just a force of habit thing but it wasn't, I literally diddnt realise July had ended. Points definately go to Old father time for slyness there.

Another Charity players show is now over which is always rather sad but this one was particularily bad as it was my last for a while. Seems to be becoming a paternal at the moment. The show itself was a real laugh to do, as all charity players shows are, but also a real challenge from the point of view that I had not done review before and very quickly had to adapt to quick changes and constantly consulting a bit of paper to find out what was next. The audience seemed to enjoy it and my personal favourite moments of the evening were a song written and performed by the ever brilliant Polly Morris about a lost mobile phone as well as Tracey, Loo and George doing a rendition of the Cheap flights song. Blooming hilarious. Though the shows completion does give me more time it is a bitersweet moment as it marks the closing of another chapter and the tieing of another knot.

Pottermore has been another recent excitement and I am over the moon to say I have taken part in the Magic quill challenge and have obtained an account. This is very exciting and truth be told I am very excited however the sorting process fills me with fear, once and for all I will be told in which house I belong. Scary stuff. This is going to cause me to buy a scarf and tie in whatever house. If its slytherin I shall take solace in the fact that Snape was a syltherin.
Not really seen many films recently, went to see Harry Potter again at the cinema (its still awesome) but have seen nothing new :(. Got seven on Dvd to watch at some point but that is subject to the availability of friends.

Ah well. I'm off.
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