Sunday 20 March 2011

You'll get by, You always have before

So today was the day I decided to sit down and actually Listen to the Bruno Mars album, I've had it for ages but not actually got round to listening to it. Having now gone through it I do feel I was mistreating myself by not listening, its a good ol album. Glee Volume Five on the other hand, disappointing. A couple of good tracks but definitely more miss than hit, and that saddens me, I have come to look forward to the Glee albums, as odd as that sounds.

In film news I watched the Queen this week, Good film. Helen Mirren is fab. I expected it to be over a longer time period than it was, but I ended up loving the in depth nature. Unfortunately I found the film in no way quotable, which is sad, as I often thing that the mark of a good film is whether or not you can quote a line later.

I went to see Rango at the cinema, can't say I was overly impressed. It looked great, but the story just didn't seem to know what on earth it was, its trying to do the Muppet's, but then a serious drama, character work, and then be a western for funsies. All very odd! Saw some cool trailers at the cinema though, Hop looks great, and the new Pirates film looks entertaining. Captain Jack is returning to our screens, and I have to say I love the line "Did everybody see that, because I will not be doing it again" I'd go see the film just for that to be honest.

Comic relief was good, wasn't really in the mood for laughing, but I did enjoy it. Smithy sketch was golden! Masterchef was Hilare, mainly because I love those three women. Also The Downton piss take really had me laughing. "You can't talk now, the music is playing"

Its been a tough week, but heres to the next one.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Life is a Rollercoaster, Just Got To Ride it...

Well March arrived. Who knew? Nice of it to turn up. Wish it had come earlier really.

So, I have started rehearsing again, Hip Hip Hooray, for a show called Salad Days with Theatre 2000. its on at the regent in half term and quite frankly I cannot wait. Ridiculous lyrics, Corny music and a magic Piano, its like the show was written for me.

Life at home is borderline horrific at the moment, so we wont dwell on it, I only mention it to point out that it lead to me buying a book called Noel and Cole, abiography side by side of Cole Porter and Noel Coward. Only read a small bit of it so far, but I rather like it. Not Gonna Lie.

I also watched Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium the other day. I have to be honest, I got it becuase I like the sound of the name but it is actually quite a good film. Really sad, possibly one of the best lines being "I fell so completely in love with these shoes, I bought enough pairs to last my whole lifetime. This is my last pair."There is also a stunning bit of dialogue discussing King Lear which I will also quote:

"When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He's written "He dies." That's all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is "He dies." It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with "He dies." And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it's only natural to be sad, but not because of the words "He dies." but because of the life we saw prior to the words.
I've lived all five of my acts, and I am not asking you to be happy that I must go. I'm only asking that you turn the page, continue reading... and let the next story begin. And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest "He died.""

The director probably needs a hanging but altogether a pretty decent film!

Results day tomorrow, could not be more concerned. Jan exams was not a happy time in my life and tomorrow I have to see what affect that had on my grades and where I am going to University. Whats not to dread? Literally terrified.

Lastly and possibly most importantly we move on to the good Lady Bing. She happened to comment that she one day hoped to read my blog and it to be all about her, and though I feel this is not quite possible today as I had other things to mention, I still feel that the Fabulous Lady Bing deserves a quick mention and I wish her the best of luck on her expedition in the hunt of Monkeys, and remind her to contemplate taking nails with her on the trip.

One last quote used in Mr Magorium to close... ( you can tell I liked the film)

"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it"
Tinkerty tonk!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Please Let me...

Well its been a busy old time! Two weeks in which I havent really stopped.

Half Term brought work, always a joy, I had fun as I always do but I also had stressful time also. I had to tell someone that the sound had stopped on tehir computer becuase they had put it on mute. Never a dull moment...

Tw1tterband has also taken up a rather large part of my life recently. The concept is pure genius. Its a song with each part done by a different person on twitter and then the whole thing put together by a mystical Computer Whiz. None of the musicians ever meet and the final track is then released on Youtube for Charity. The Choir has been part of their latest venture and it was such fun to do. We recorded it in Sandies Living room, (where else?) and then the mystical man added it in to the track. The final thing was released on sunday and I rather like it. Good FUn all round. Not to mention the twitter banter that goes on.

I went to see Tangled in the glorius 3D and loved it. Disney back at its brilliant best. Was so much fun, the 3D element is brilliant and the songs involve the words 'THE PLAGUE' almost randomly. The imagery thats involved is rather brilliant with that moment. Great Songs, Great Film, all round good fun who could ask for more?

The last level of funness of my past two weeks was a great trip up to The Royal Opera House for an audition for a choir for the olympics. Some of the workshops were brilliant, others less so, but a grand day out as wallace and gromit would say. Well Gromit wouldnt, he doesnt speak, but you get the idea.

Auditions for HCP summer show are coming up. I love that I am starting to be busy again!

