Sunday 13 May 2012

This is a life of illusion

So, here we are again gang, I am once again in a situation where, a. I have not blogged in an absolute age (slap on the wrist for me) and b. have examinations looming. It's enough to make you hate e entire education system as in many ways I already do!

Today is a Bank Holiday Monday but clearly no one let the University of York know that simple fact as I have a full day of 9 til 6 lectures. This I feel isn't too much of an issue as I did have a five week 'holiday' for Easter but it's still depressing to read on Facebook how everyone else is having a lovely day off living life to the full and Im stuck in a Numerical Analysis Lecture but what can you do?

So what's new with me I hear you all ask. Well assuming that you did ask I shall tell you. I have been wonderfully busy, for those of you that know me you will know that this is my preferred state! Second Term at York was particularly manic, lots of lectures, lots of practicals applications for studying abroad, meetings, writing a pantomime it really was all go. Then Easter, which rather than being the lovely break I'm sure I deserved I worked most of however such working provided me with some much needed funds! I was lucky enough to be appointed Assisntant Head Writer for the Pantsoc Summer panto, Hercules! This was particularly fun and now as we enter rehearsals ( the show is on in week 8 for any York people reading ) it is very surreal to watch words I wrote be interpreted and performed.

At the end of the Easter Holidays I jollied on up to Oxford on my route back to York for the exciting event that says the Exeter College Ball. This was a highly anticipated event and did not disappoint in any respect. A lovely weekend with an old friend and a chance to make some new friends, not something I have ever been good at truth be told but I think I did ok. Dodgems, A Heltar Skeltar and numerous live bands with some donuts and noodles thrown into the mix all came together to prove to be one of the best party's of my University career.

The have been rumours flying around that I am studying abroad next year and I can reveal that these are entirely true, it has been recently confirmed that I am to be a student and the University of California Santa Cruz come 'fall 2012' which I am super excited about. Thoug I have known I am going abroad for a while the exact location had for a while been unknown but now I do know and it is all suddenly very real and very scary. I have a multitude of paperwork that I have to complete before June the 1st, part of this is choosing my top five colleges. The university has 10 colleges, all with different themes and locations and of these I must pick my top 5, this process is made all the more difficult by the fact that this is where will be where I am living and the people I am living with next year. Having not visited UCSC (that's what all the cool kids call it I'm informed) I turned to Google for advice on which college to pick, this was only hindered by the fact that the Americans call university in general college so as I googled UCSC college choice I was greeted with a lot of information about choosing UCSC ofer other university's in America. I continue to investigate my top five and will I'm sure update you with my choice!

I am I in a very sorry situation where I haven't seen any new films for some time, I desperately want to go and see the New avengers movie however time just seems to keep getting in the way! I did however see Titanic in 3D which surprisingly I really enjoyed. The 3D was very well done and I found it all very immersive if you will pardon the in. I still maintain that it is one of Leonardo DiCaprios finest films! James Cameron is a very cleaver man.

While I have not seen many new films I have been watching the old telebox! I adore BBC's latest offering, The Voice, though this might just be related to the presence of Tom Jones on the television that has caused this. I must admit that I havent seen much of Britains got Talent is time around, mainly again due to time. Smash is my other new addiction, it is what I can only describe as Glee with grown ups and I think it had the potential to me much better than glee. By having a standard cast of well known performers who have previously been on broadway you know you are on to a winner from the beginning. This is helped by the presence of some excellent original songs, two favourites of mine have to be "let's be bad" and "Second hand white baby Grand". Both are excellent numbs and ell worth a listen. If you haven't tuned in to watch Smash just yet I advise you do, it really is great fun and gripping, though slightly trashy, television!

I think that's all for today really, congratulations if you fought through this mammoth post, you are a better man than I.

Ta Ta

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