Wednesday 21 April 2010

And the drums will Crash

Third blog of April, can I get a hallelujah? No well I diddnt really think so but what can you do, I feel its important to ask.

Today saw me, Stephen Hutt, have a haircut, I would ask for another hallelujah but o-one is reading this so what is the point, plus the first one as so disastrous. Anyway its been a day of getting things done, which is always nice, EPQ handed in, Hair is cut, and... well thats it really, but it feels like an achievement to me.

I saw Titanic last week, that was nice. Oh look thats that paragraph over. No really, good show, fantastic Orchestra, I would even saw flawless if I was a more positive person, which, I am not.

Well this has been a pointless blog entry,


Wednesday 14 April 2010

Giving Up a Life of Glamour

Two blogs in the space of one month, this hasn't happened since January...Okay well I was pleased.

Easter is shooting by, holidays will soon be over and education will soon resume. Ah well you cant have it all ways, I do look forward to returning to the hustle and bustle of Highcliffe Sixth Form, a little.

Drowsy Chaperone is officially over now, and I have to say it saddens me a little bit, well a lot if truth be told. It was a fantastic show to be a part of and I shall mis it terribly, but in the mean time I must look to the future Mack and Mabel is on the horizon, I am starting to get a hang of the tap, slowly, ya never know, I might even learn my lines soon.

Sheila Hancock has been heralded one of the best Tv judges and I have to say in many ways I agree, she has been fantastic in over the technicoloured dreamcoat. Her comments are too the point without being abusive. Got to love it.

Onwards To War!

Sunday 4 April 2010

We hear he is a Whiz of a Wiz...

What a busy ole time its been eh? I have returned to the blog as I feared I would periodically. No-one is reading it so who cares.

Lloyd Webbers latest venture since Paint Never Dries has hit our screens recently and oh my lord. What a party of crazy it is. I would have just cut it down to four, then let the public decide and move on but no we are going to sit through the whole thing. What a Giggle.

In my shockingly small world everything is changing, Mack and Mabel begins work, Blocking oh the joys, We go on for Drowsy Chaperone on Thursday, Titanic is on the week after, then back to school for higher education conventions, in the mean tie work ecetera keeps me on my toes.

Loving easter though, lots of good tv. Skybox is my lover on that score. Heroes, time off, its one big giggle.

I will go now. Its for the Best.