Wednesday 6 October 2010

Bang Bang, He shot me down...

Yeah thats right, Its an apprentice commentary blog, whos excited?

So this episode is brilliantly called "Bangers" and shock horror its linked to Sausages. Quite frankly I am excited! The twist to the beginning of this episode is the fact that they are starting in the middle of the night, *gasp*.

I had forgotten that Margaret had left the program, my world actually crashed when I remembered. Team Names are chosen, (Apollo is an appalling name, he was a man and womaniser) then team captains are chosen with some hefty banging on the table that I cannot pretend didn't amuse me greatly.

I keep seeing the words Lord Sugar appear on my screen, and I say to myself "Who is this Lord chap" what is he doing on the apprentice and then I remember and all is good in the world.

Nick is a beautiful human being, irritated by the bitchiness he speaks his mind. I find there is something wonderful about 16 supposedly educated people arguing about sausages.

What is going on with this girl with the glasses. she keeps talking, and I keep zoning out, so I keep losing any point she may or may not have made.

So the Butchers are robbing the Candidates, I have never been more proud of Butchers, I feel the Baker and Candlestick maker have lost out to their comrade.

There is some serious power play going on in both teams, in the guys team testosterone is flying around the room, if I was to enter that room right now I would definitely be needing a mask. If they lose crazy non-Margaret woman will take them to the cleaners.

May I add that Nick looks beautiful in a hairnet, and blonde girl far less so. Non-Margaret is trying far to hard to work the look.

The mens team are just faffing, we should proably send them to the commonwelth games as the faffing team.

Voice over man makes a comical joke "Not a sausage" and the men are shouting "Its too hard" which is just a comical thing to hear to be honest.

So the Mens team leader comically said that it went well and it was due to the fact that people kept calm and he kept calm. NOTHING WAS CALM!

Selling is beginning, so many sausage innuendo, so little time. Now the men have gone door to door, it isnt the bloody yellow pages, they are shopping.

Right the girls have hunted out a chef, lets face it he is a attractive and tehy are all flirting like mad.

So to summarise the selling process, FAFF FAFF FAFF. Thats all really, onward to the board room.

This is the bit I actually dislike commenting on, because though interesting to watch it is very hard to chat about in an interesting way. The boys lost, but by a surprisingly small amount. They boys in the boardroom act "like a bunch of old washer woman". Lots of chat, blah blah, argue argue, Stuart gets a bit gobby, we wait to hear who will be fired.

Team leader Dan is out. Another year, another team leader in the first task is out.

Lord Sugars search for his apprentice has begun.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Goodbye 12, Goodbye 13....

Well its been a busy old time I must say. The dreaded UCAS deadline draws ever closer and with it the need for a decent personal statement. Which is Damned near impossible for me to produce it would seem. Every time I try and write it I just end up sounding either like Marvin for the hitchikers guide to the galaxy or every other monotone character ever. I can't instantly think of one right now. It will come to me I'm sure.

This week marked the departure of David. We had a farewell meal and it was all very lovely and now he has gone to warwick and I have to say life, or more to the point theatre 2000 shows without him.are going to be very odd. For as long as we have been doing berties shows David and I have sat and laughed together and now I feel quite alone. It's very bizarre. I may have to demand his return.

Good concert with the choir yesterday at the poole lighthouse. Not many people attended but the put that down to the lack of advertising and marketing rather than the popularity of the choirs involved which I am thankful for. The Maestro sang a lovely duet also which was lovely to listen to.

Off to York this week. To look at the university. It's the last one I have to see. Relief fills me. The process will soon be over!

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