Friday 8 January 2010

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun...

Another snow hindered day today, however it was still productive through the miricale of friends!

The last couple of days have been a trifle bizare to be honest with you. Not being at college has been strange and not entirely a good thing, due to ya know, exams. The exam boards are being extremely ahrsh about the whole things, some would even stretch to calling them bitchy, but I would never do such a thing.

Bad news for one of my closest friends regarding Cambridge University which I've gotta say hit very hard, as everyone though he would make the cut.

Pantomime is drawing closer, set is starting to arrive, I've just seen a huge washing machine, peopel are taking cast photos, its all good fun but at the same time rather scary.

The french President ahs pulled out another comedy moment, he suggests a tax on search engines, I may be a trifel simple but its called the World Wide Web, ya know global thing, where does the moeny go, at whos currency do we use that would mean teh tax would change with the exchange rate. Silly man, think it through. I jsut cant compe with this level of Sillyness.

Ah well

Until Next time when I write a post no-one will read...

Wednesday 6 January 2010

The weather outside is frightful...

Okay, its official I cant cope with the idea of snow stopping the world, its lovely, its fluffy, it makes a fabulous weapon and building material however it is no reason for the earth itself to stand still!

People put up with feet of snow and stumble along, however we get a couple of centimetres and panic that death and apocolypse is the only logical thing that can follow this frozen stuff falling from the sky. Often I embrace this and chuckle, but today it upset me, I have exams on the way, I could do with a trip into the old college, but instead the world stood still.

Saying this I do want people to be safe, people here are not sued to driving in this condition and I do understand why the world stands still, jsut upsets me. Ah well. We will, stumble along...