Wednesday 16 September 2009

Spotify-the beginning of Cloud Computing?

Now that annoying ritual of "The First Post" is over I can move on to blogging, I have often questioned what this is, and I have answered myself that it is just a chance to talk about whatever takes your fancy in the form of text in the vague hope that people will read it...rather unlikely in my case, but I will have a go anyway.

Spotify is a brilliant tool, a way of streaming music from the Internet, listening to almost any song for free without downloading it, what could be more fabulous. What is more exciting is the sheer volume of music on this program, I can Genuinely listen to Sister Act, followed by some Mozart, followed by Spice Girls. The sad thing is that I really do have a play list like that but that is really another story.

Naturally with free music there is instantly a catch, The catch involved is adverts, some of these are quite amusing, other are just plain annoying, for example I was today asked what my Laptop thought about me, now I'm not being funny but I don't appreciate being asked what my loo thinks about me, its a bit much to ask what my laptop thinks about me. My laptop and I are good friends and I would rather that I was not forced by some advert to question whether it talks about me behind my back, that just creates doubt in our relationship.

Other than the above mentioned adverts there really is no catch, but that is all old news as far as most people are concerned, spotify has been on the scene for a minute or two now and it just part of a music lovers everyday life. I have however, believe it or not, got a point here, and that is that Spotify is now going mobile, starting with the iPhone but I am sure that it will soon be on all mobile phones of a similar ilk such as the Blackberry. Gradually the computing world will end up moving into this really rather brilliant idea of not having music files on your laptop or device but just connecting to a central database, this being one of the key ideas of Cloud Computing, programs being on a central computer and load them through the Internet.

Now it seems to me that the people at Spotify have been rather smart and have seen where computing is going and as such jumped on the bandwagon. Good idea I say, get in quick and in a few years when Cloud Computing takes off properly and becomes widely used in a couple of years Spotify will be ahead of the game and render programs such as iTunes and Windows Media Player.

Now that I have ranted about how much I feel Spotify are clever people, I shall leave you.


Here we go again...

Well here we are, another blog. How exciting. I have attempted to start blogs multiple times before, but never before with Blogger, so I am at least hopefully. I always find that blogging is a bit like buying a newspaper, something you do every now again in the hope that it will lead to fulfillment and then after a few times you start to learn that maybe it doesn't. I'm hoping that this attempt will not be like this, but there is always a chance.

Lets do a little about me shall we, just for giggles. I am a Student currently studying for my A Levels, my key interests lie in musical theatre and technology and I am a teensy bit mad. I think that about covers it to be honest.

I cant think of anything else to write on the theme of beginning, so let it all begin...