Monday 14 February 2011

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun

Well one big happy valentines day to anyone who is reading my blog! Hope youve all had a laugh and chuckle today!

Saw that picture on Twitter and I just loved and I thought to myself, "this, this is something that I will blog" because its heart warming really. Call me old but I like that.

Have fun.
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Wednesday 9 February 2011

My Funny Valentine

Well, its on its way, they day that all single people despise, and all people in a relationship look forward too, and, providing they are not disappointed, enjoy immensely. I refer of course to Valentines day. A day like no other, but still beautifully commercialised by the Americans and a good ol day of merriment and fun.

I follow Disney on Twitter, I know its sad but I must do something to keep myself interested, and they have some pretty intense plans for disney land and some stunning ideas for anyone taking their loved one to Disney on Valentines. The happiest place on earth is remaining that way it would seem, even on Valentines day. All through the magic of Mickey.

I recently watched Fantasia again. Stunning film, truly stunning. A less stunning dvd to enter my dvd player was that of Dollhouse, an american drama, it was sadly slow with plot lines people would have got upset over, but you can't win them all!

I personally dislike February, I cant help it, its in my soul. Nothing happens in february. Its three days shorter than most months, it just feels like a cop out month quite frankly, a month of feeling unhappy and lonely. Or maybe thats just me. Either way I'm going to go right ahead and blame the month, because thats what I do.

Tangled and the Kings Speech are still very high on my, to-see list, Ill get there eventually. I promise.

Another blog over, and not much said. I dunno maybe I should just give this up.
