Friday 7 January 2011

June is Bustin' out all over...

Well January is here, who knew. I often find January to be a sneaky month, much like its counter part December. Everyone is always totally amazed taht the idea we could be in said months, which I attribute to teh idea of being sneaky. They run at us from behind and then BAM they are upon us. Most Inconsiderate

January is a horrible month for students everywhere because it means January examinations. I myself have four. I couldnt possible hate them more right now, but its better tahn doing them all in the summer I suppose. eitehr way Exams are horrifc but at least this way they are split up into slightly more digestable portions.

House is quite frankly getting me through this horrific time almost single handedly. I got a few DVD's for Christmas, but most notable has to be Beauty and the Beast, and House Season 6. I have already watched Beauty and the Beast twice and am casually working through House. Yes I suppose its sad that I still get enhjoyment from a Disney film, but its just brilliant!

Time marches on and sadly so must I,
