Wednesday 22 September 2010

Get ready everybody 'cos here we go...

Yeah thats right, Im blogging two days in a row after not blogging for the entirety of August. Could it get any more thrilling? I thought not...

Today was one of those days that were just mediocre and then BAM S Club 7 is playing in the cafe, singing along then of course HAD to happen, followed quite quickly by dancing. Whats not to love? It was a brilliant moment in my life.

From there on in it just gets better, made brownies at Hid's for Yaz's birthday and then I caught up on the Inbetweeners, yeah, Im exciting.

Now however Im just listening to a merry mixture of S Club (of course), Spice Girls, Busted and McFly... and I wonder why I'm Single

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Turned off Gardeners Question Time...

Well I'm back, blogging again after another considerable length of time, one day I'll become a blogging regular, just maybe not today.

Time has positively flown by since last I blogged, America was rather fabulous. Disney had to be a highlight, definitely met Mickey Mouse which was rather amazing. Had an amazing time, San Diego was brilliant, fun filled days and Disney films in the evening, whats not to love?

Back to the studying now. Oh will the joys never end. However with it studying brings the birthday season, including my own, and of course... Panto. Beauty and the Beast is the HCP panto of choice this year. What a laugh. Started rehearsals this very day. Giggles all around.

UCAS is quite merrily becoming the bane of my life. I just casually walk down a corridor and BAM I see a poster about Uni and I remember that I have a personal statement to write. UCAS just taunts me with my imperfections and I cannot say I am amused.

Currently having repetitive dreams about my death, its quite a pickle, but Im sure that they will sort themselves out.

Till we meet again oh Blog of Bloggington.