Saturday 7 November 2009

X factor

Just thought you know, Id do a quick blog on the old X Factor I went to fireworks so this blog is a little late.

I watched it, I enjoyed it, I cant lie.

Alot of really quite non-discript performances, Lloyd I thought really wasnt great, Ollie I loved, the dancing was great even though I hadn't seen the film. Danyl picked himself but was really nothing that I would call showstopping, the hair, disaster. I really like Lucy, but I dont think that she has what it takes to win the competition. Stacy I kinda forgot this week.

Whilst watching, I have found myself eagerly anticipating Jon and Edward, I have to say I do find them entertaining, lets face it they are not recording artists but they put on a good show. Here they come...

GHOSTBUSTERS, lets face it they had to. I take my hat off to that bald chappie that occsionally talks who does the creative side, He has really worked magic, there were even thriller moves in there. Danni speaks the fears of the nation regarding the radio, lets face it we are all scared. Final verdict from the mean man, Sort of Good.

Joe I liked, but then I do like Musical Theatre, I thought it was a good song choice for him.

That pretty much wrapps up X factor.

Well done to anyone who managed to struggle through all of that, Im impressed

Friday 6 November 2009

One Mole Only

You want to know about some reactions
You want to know how much energy its gonna take
I’ve had no doubts that you will work it out
There are some simple rules, Its all about Enthalpy
You Need One Mole Only, One Mole Only that’s all you have to make
One Mole Only, in standard conditions
One Mole Only, One Mole Only at one atmosphere
One Mole Only at 293 kelvin

One Mole Only

Repeat Chorus